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Number counter


Start with a number you choose between 0 and 9999:

In our number system we only have 10 different digits: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
So if we want to count something and have zero, we can write 0.
If we have one we write 1.
If we have two we write 2.
We can do this until we have nine when we write 9.
But what if we have more, let's say one more.
Then we start all over with 0 again
But how do we know that we have ten now and not zero?
We put a 1 in front to keep track of this information and write 10.
Next time we reach 9 (that's when we have 9 more), we again start with 0 but add 1 more to the 1 in front so that we have 2 there and write 20.
We repeat that until we come to 99. Now what happens when we add 1 more?
The nine at the right is replaced by a 0 once more. But how do we keep track of the new 10 now? Well, the 9 to the left is also replaced by a 0 and we write a 1 in front of it. It's logical as we have ten 10s now.
Because of this system it is enough to have only 10 different digits to express all numbers that we want to.
See how the numbers repeat themselves again after reaching 9 while on the left side the count goes up. It's like we have completed 1 round after reaching 9 and count the rounds while starting on the race track again for the next round...

Copyright © 2004-2025 Katja Socher, tuxgraphics.org